Online Career Application
Personal Details
Select Post *
Full Name *
Father / Husband's Full Name
Gender *
Marital Status *
If married, whether your spouse is working ? *
City / State of employement *
Nationality *
Address of Correspondence
Building Name/No. *
Post Office *
Locality *
Town / City *
State *
Pin Code *
Permanent Address
If same as correspondence address, then check the box 
Building Name/No. *
Post Office *
Locality *
Town / City *
State *
Pin Code *
Contact and E-Mail details
STD Code
Mobile No. *
Phone No.
E-Mail *
Alternate E-Mail *
Category Details
Category *
In case of SC/ST/NT/OBC candidates, name of the Caste/Tribe/Class
Date of birth and Age
Date of Birth *
Age as on 01/03/2025 (In completed year only) *
Qualification Details : as on 01/03/2025
Exam Passed
Subject / Stream
Year of passing
Percentage / Grade
S.S.C *
H.S.C *
Working knowledge in computer *
Work Experience (From Date and To Date in DD/MM/YYYY)
Experience 1*
Worked as
Name of the Organisation
No. of Year
From Date
To Date
Nature of duties

Experience 2
Worked as
Name of the Organisation
No. of Year
From Date
To Date
Nature of duties

Experience 3
Worked as
Name of the Organisation
No. of Year
From Date
To Date
Nature of duties

Experience 4
Worked as
Name of the Organisation
No. of Year
From Date
To Date
Nature of duties

Experience 5
Worked as
Name of the Organisation
No. of Year
From Date
To Date
Nature of duties
Notice Period*

I hereby certify that the information furnished above is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have not supperessed any material fact or factual information in the above statements. I am aware, that, in case, i have given wrong information or supperessed any material fact or factual information, or I do not satisfy the eligibility criteria according to the advertisement, then my candidature will be rejected/services will be terminated forthwith even after employement without giving any notice or reason thereof.

I also understand that if I do not fulfill the eligibility criteria as stipulated in the advertisement, bank would not call me for interview, without any further communication.

Note: Since the re-print option for submitted form is not available, you are requested to take the print-out / screenshot of the same for your records.